
Friday, November 16, 2012

A Visit from the Grandparents

The past few weeks have been extremely busy for my family and me. My grandparents were mostly at fault. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just stating the facts as they are.

We had a wonderful time with my grandparents. I, myself, actually wasn't able to spend that much time with them. They came during my final two weeks of Theology, which also happened to be the first two weeks of my Missions class. I was also teaching every night and going to Chinese class almost every morning. So my days were pretty packed -- especially on Thursdays, Fridays, and Mondays, when my assignments were due.

I often felt really bad that I couldn't go out and do things with them, such as going on a mountain hike, going out to dinner, etc. Nevertheless, I am extremely grateful for the times that I was able to spend with them.

One day, we spent almost the entire afternoon playing Mexican Dominoes, before we had to go to some friends' house for dinner. My family (and more specifically, my grandparents) are extremely competitive, which makes playing games with them extremely interesting and exciting. I am proud to say that both Torie and I placed above Grandma/Alia on the score sheet. Torie came in first, I came in second, and Grandma/Alia was one point behind me. Beating both of my grandparents is rare and therefore a treat, so of course we went around gloating. I was just happy that I ended the game by setting everyone else up, resulting in Torie going back 85 points, and Dad going back 100 points. Yes, yes, I'm very proud of myself, especially since I hadn't done so hot during the first three quarters of the game.

I also discovered that a lot more movie-watching takes place when my grandfather is around.  I think there were maybe two nights during the entire time they were here that we didn't turn the TV on. Not that I'm complaining. ;) Half of the time I didn't watch with them because of schoolwork. But the movies I did watch included "Letters to God' (amazing movie by the way), "7 Days in Utopia" (another great movie), and "Robin Hood." We also watched some "NCIS" and "The Mentalist" episodes. We did not, however, watch "Once Upon a Time," the show that my family (minus the two younger children) is hooked (not to be confused with Captain Hook! ... forgive my nerdy-ness. :D hehe) on. Nearly two weeks without it... I think we survived pretty well. ;)

And my grandfather spoke at our Sunday service twice. All of our friends got a hint of his... shall we say... very energetic performance. :D

Of course they were able to experience our restaurant, Gina's Place. Granddaddy had a lot of fun doing "magic tricks" for the workers, and all of our workers thought my grandma was such a beautiful lady. The employees even prepared a special end-of-month Korean meal that my grandparents were able to take part in.

All in all, I think that they enjoyed their trip here. I know my family enjoyed their visit! I love you, Grandma and Granddaddy! :D

P.S. In case any of you were wondering... I aced Theology! :D