
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

College Bound!

Well, the time I've been nervously and excitedly waiting for is finally here: I'm going to college!

I'm more nervous than I thought I would be, for sure. But my excitement faaaaaar outweighs my fear. Today, my family will be leaving my grandparents' house in South Carolina and start driving toward Lynchburg, Virginia. We'll be able to stop and see a few people along the way, including my best friend Young-Hyun who is currently studying at Duke University. I'm excited about that.

Tonight we'll be staying with some friends in the Lynchburg area, and then tomorrow -- after having lunch with another great, old friend -- I will be moving into my dorm on Liberty's campus! :O It's kind of weird to think that tomorrow night will be my first night of many that I'll be spending at Liberty.

Though I'm pretty nervous about everything -- okay I'll admit, I'm terrified! -- I know that even though my parents will be leaving me in a week's time, my heavenly Father will never leave me. And so in Him, I will place my trust. I'm not about to claim that will be easy... but if I can do that, I have nothing at all to fear. :)

I don't know when I'll be able to type up another blog post, as I'm pretty certain the next few weeks are going to be reaaaaally really busy for me. Can't wait to see what God has in store!