
Monday, June 17, 2013

The Next Chapter

Goodbyes. They're not something I look forward to... In fact, I really dislike having to tell people I love goodbye. But they are something that each person has to go through.

Last week, some of my closest friends (the Chang family, Moon family, Stirling family, Yoon family, Phillips family) all came and helped take us and all of our bags to the airport in Yanji. Saying goodbye... wasn't easy. I'm not one of those people that does well with goodbyes in general, and saying goodbye to these people in specific was even more difficult.

Thankfully I was able to keep my tears from escaping while I hugged each of them and promised to keep in touch. Then we went through Security and that was the last time I saw their faces for what could be a very, very, very long time.

Sitting on the plane, watching my little hometown of Yanji grow smaller and smaller, I felt an ache in my heart. I was very thankful for the overly talkative lady across the aisle from me who kept me distracted for at least half of the flight to Beijing.

But, with every goodbye... comes a new hello. Around 7:00-7:30 PM on Tuesday evening, my family landed in North Carolina and were greeted by my grandparents. It's been sooooo good to reconnect with them. We've gone to the zoo, had water fights, played tennis, and just hung out. This weekend, we leave for a big family vacation in Tennessee with all of my dad's siblings, their spouses and kids, and my grandparents. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again.

On August 15th, I will move onto Liberty University's campus, and classes will begin on the 19th. I'm a little nervous, but... my excitement far outweighs what fear I have inside of me. I cannot WAIT to meet my roommate (who is AWESOME, by the way) and get to meet new people and make friends. I'm also looking forward to my classes, though maybe not quite so much as the actual social aspect of college life.

Though I am nervous and insecure and have absolutely NO idea of what is in store for me, I can have peace in knowing that God is with me. As my friend Young-Aeh reminded me and as Psalm 139 says, "You hem me in-- behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. [...] If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."

Please be praying for me as I start this next chapter of my life. My parents and sisters will be living in Colorado while I'm at Liberty for my first year, which is a lot closer than China. So, I'm very thankful for that. But it will also be a big transition for my family as I won't be there and as they adjust to living in America, so please keep them in your prayers as well.

Time to turn the page and see what happens... :)

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